New york
educational trip
We thank our fellow art students some of which werent able to make it on the trip but still assisted in making the trip possible.
With warm regards we deeply appriecate all assistance from numerious places and people that also made our trip possible .
A special thank you also goes out to Mr. Keith Cadette for Coordinating , leading this trip through even the the most difficult times and giving us this wonderful experience.
About Us
As a group we describe ourselves as artist and students of the Department of Creative and Festival Arts of The University Of The West Indies. Prior to the trip great effort and assistance was made by The students of Dcfa to raise funds to make it possible.
We journey to New York to not only view the famous artwork in the galleries but to also visit an array of a inspiring educational sites that could broaden our knowlege of art , and inspire us and young artist and students of art in the Caribbean.